KTEXT User's Guide
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KTEXT User's Guide
Evan L. Antworth
Summer Institute of Linguistics
May 6, 1991
KTEXT version 0.9.4
1 Overview of KTEXT
1.1 What does KTEXT do?
1.2 Placing KTEXT in its context
1.3 Technical specifications
1.4 Program status
2 Example of using KTEXT to process a text
3 Running KTEXT
4 KTEXT's functional structure
5 The text data file
6 The main control file
7 The TXTIN control file
7.1 Text orthography changes
7.2 Words or format markers?
7.3 Selecting fields
7.4 Special output characters
7.5 Controlling capitalization
7.6 A sample text input control file
8 The output data file
9 CED: an editor for failures and ambiguities
9.1 Overview of CED
9.2 Starting the CED editor
9.3 Editing for text glossing
9.4 The editing process
9.5 Command summary
1 Overview of KTEXT
This section briefly describes what KTEXT does, places KTEXT in its
computational context, lists technical specifications of the program,
and gives information on use and support of the program.
1.1 What does KTEXT do?
KTEXT is a text processing program that uses the PC-KIMMO parser (see
below about PC-KIMMO). KTEXT reads a text from a disk file, parses
each word, and writes the results to a new disk file. This new file is
in the form of a structured text file where each word of the original
text is represented as a database record composed of several fields.
Each word record contains a field for the original word, a field for
the underlying or lexical form of the word, and a field for the gloss
string. For example, if the text in the input file contains the word
hoping (to use an English example), KTEXT's output file will have a
record of this format:
\a V(hope)+PROG
\d hope+ing
\w hoping
This record consists of three fields, each tagged with a backslash
code.[1] The first field, tagged with \a for analysis, contains the
gloss string for the word. The second field, tagged with \d for
(morpheme) decomposition, contains the underlying or lexical form of
the word. And the third field, tagged with \w for word, contains the
original word. The word spies demonstrates how KTEXT handles multiple
\a %2%N(spy)+PLURAL%V(spy)+3SG%
\d %2%spy+s%spy+s%
\w spies
Percent signs (or some other designated character) separate the
multiple results in the \a and \d fields, with a number indicating how
many results were found.
A word record also saves any capitalization or punctuation associated
with the original word. For example, if a sentence begins "Obviously,
this hypothesis.", KTEXT will output the first word like this:
\a ADJ(obvious)+ADVR
\d obvious+ly
\w obviously
\c 1
\n ,
The \w field contains the original word without capitalization or the
following comma. The \c field contains the number 1 which indicates
that the first letter of the original word is upper case. The \n field
contains the comma that follows the original word. The purpose of
retaining the capitalization and punctuation of the original text is,
of course, to enable one to recover the original text from KTEXT's
output file.
The output of KTEXT is not intended to be an end in itself. While
there may be some usefulness in directly examining the data structures
produced by KTEXT, the intention is to use KTEXT's output as the basis
of further data processing. A number of applications could use the
kind of morphologically parsed text that KTEXT produces, including
syntactic parsers, concordance programs, and machine translation
1.2 Placing KTEXT in its context
KTEXT can only be understood by describing two other programs:
PC-KIMMO and AMPLE. First, we will take a look at PC-KIMMO. KTEXT is
intended to be used with PC-KIMMO (though it is a stand-alone
program). PC-KIMMO is a program for doing computational phonology and
morphology. It is typically used to build morphological parsers for
natural language processing systems. PC-KIMMO is described in the book
"PC-KIMMO: a two-level processor for morphological analysis" by Evan
L. Antworth, published by the Summer Institute of Linguistics (1990).
The PC- KIMMO software is available for MS-DOS (IBM PCs and
compatibles), Macintosh, and UNIX. The book (including software) is
available for $23.00 (plus postage) from:
International Academic Bookstore
7500 W. Camp Wisdom Road
Dallas TX, 75236
phone 214/709-2404
fax 214/709-2433
The KTEXT program which this document describes will be of very little
use to you without the PC-KIMMO program and book. The remainder of
this document assumes that you are familiar with PC-KIMMO.
PC-KIMMO was deliberately designed to be reuseable. The core of
PC-KIMMO is a library of functions such as load rules, load lexicon,
generate, and recognize. The PC-KIMMO program supplies on the release
diskette is just a user shell built around these basic functions. This
shell provides an environment for developing and testing sets of rules
and lexicons. Since the shell is a development environment, it has very
little built-in data processing capability. But because PC-KIMMO is
modular and portable, you can write your own data processing program
that uses PC-KIMMO's function library. KTEXT is an example of how to
use PC- KIMMO to create a new natural language processing program.
KTEXT is a text processing program that uses PC-KIMMO to do
morphological parsing.
KTEXT is also closely related to a program called AMPLE (Weber et al.
1988), which is also a morphological parser designed to process text.
KTEXT was created by replacing AMPLE's parsing engine with the
PC-KIMMO parser. Thus KTEXT has the same text-handling mechanisms as
AMPLE and produces output similar or even identical to AMPLE. The
advantages of this design are (1) we were able to develop KTEXT very
quickly and easily since it involved very little new code, and (2)
existing programs that use AMPLE's output format can also use KTEXT's
output. The disadvantage of basing KTEXT on AMPLE is that the format
of the output file is perhaps not consistent with terminology already
established for PC-KIMMO.
1.3 Technical specifications
KTEXT runs under three operating systems:
MS-DOS (IBM PC compatibles),
UNIX System V (SCO UNIX V/386 and A/UX) and 4.2 BSD UNIX, and
Apple Macintosh.
KTEXT does not require any graphics capability. It handles eight- bit
characters (such as the IBM extended character set). It requires a
minimal amount of memory (at least 256KB on an IBM PC compatible), but
more memory is needed to load large lexicons. The Macintosh version
has the same user interface as the DOS and UNIX versions, namely a
batch-processing, command-line interface. In other words, it does not
use the Macintosh mouse, menus, and windows interface.
The program is written entirely in C and is very portable. The
Macintosh version was compiled with the Lightspeed Think C compiler.
1.4 Program status
KTEXT was developed by Steven McConnel and Evan Antworth of the Summer
Institute of Linguistics. KTEXT version 0.9 is a beta test version.
Its features are subject to change. Several qualifications apply to
its use and support:
(1) This software, source code and executable program, is copyrighted
by the Summer Institute of Linguistics. You may use this software at
no cost for whatever purpose you see fit. You are granted the right to
distribute this software to others, provided that all files are
included in unmodified form and that you charge no fee (except cost of
media). This software is intended for academic use only, and may not
be distributed or used for commercial profit without express
permission of the Summer Institute of Linguistics.
(2) This software represents work in progress and bears no warranty,
either expressed or implied, of its fitness for any particular
(3) In releasing this software , the Summer Institute of Linguistics
is making no commitment to maintain it. It is, however, committed to
forwarding user feedback to the software's authors who may or may not
choose to develop the software further.
Bug reports, wish lists, requests for support, and positive feedback
should be directed to Evan Antworth at this address:
Evan Antworth
Academic Computing Department
Summer Institute of Linguistics
7500 W. Camp Wisdom Road
Dallas, TX 75236
phone: 214/709-2418
e-mail: evan@txsil.lonestar.org
2 Example of using KTEXT to process a text
Typically, the steps involved in using KTEXT are:
(1) Collect a corpus of language data suitable for phonological and
morphological analysis (typically paradigms of words).
(2) Do phonological and morphological analysis on the data.
(3) Use the PC-KIMMO shell to develop a rules file and a lexicon file
that encode your phonological and morphological analyses and to test
them against your corpus of data.
(4) Select a text and keyboard it.
(5) Set up the control files required by KTEXT.
(6) Using the rules and lexicon you developed, process the text with
(7) Edit KTEXT's output file to remove multiple parses.
(8) Use the edited file as input to some other program.
To demonstrate how to use KTEXT to process a text, we will use a
folktale text taken from Leonard Bloomfield's (1917) collection of
Tagalog[2] texts. The first step in the project was to analyze the
phonology and morphology of Tagalog and develop the rules and lexicon
files for PC-KIMMO. The phonology and morphology of Tagalog are rather
complex. Verbs in particular exhibit a considerable amount of both
derivational and inflectional morphology. One of the more exotic
features of Tagalog morphology is its pervasive use of infixes and
reduplication. For example, the root lçkad is made into a verb by
placing the infix um after the first consonant of the root to produce
lumçkad. The durative aspect of this verb is signaled by reduplicating
the first consonant and vowel of the root to produce lçlçkad. The two
processes can be combined to produce lumçlçkad. In addition to this
morphological complexity, at least a dozen rules are required to
account for various morphophonemic processes, including coalescence,
stress shift, and syncope. For example, the underlying form bilô+in is
realized as the surface form bilhôn. In the two-level model, these
forms are related like this:
UF: b i l ô 0 + i n
SF: b i l 0 h 0 ô n
Rules are required to account for the syncopation of ô, the insertion
of h, and the shift of stress from the last syllable of the root to
the suffix.
After the rules and lexicon had been written and tested using
PC-KIMMO, the next step was to keyboard the chosen text. The first
paragraph of the text is shown in figure 1.
Figure 1 Fragment of a Tagalog text
\ti Aû ulÿl na uûgÿ at aû mar£noû na pagÿû.
\s MÆnsan aû pagÿû hçbaû nalôlÆgo sa Ælog, ay nakêkÆta syê
naû isa_û p£no_û-sçgiû na lum¥l£taû at tinçtaûêy naû çgos.
\s HinÆla niya sa pasÆgan, dçtapwat hindÆ nya madalê sa l£paq.
\s Dçhil dÆto tinçwag nya aû kaybÆgan niya_û uûgÿq at iniyçlay
nyê aû kap£tol naû p£no_û-sçgiû kuû itçtanim nyê aû kanyê_û
\s Tumaûÿq aû uûgÿq at hinçte nilê sa gitnêq mulç sa magkçbila_û
d£lo aû p£no naû sçgiû.
\s Inaûkôn naû uûgÿ aû kap£tol na mçy maûa dçhon, dçhil sa
panukçlê nya na iyÿn ay t¥t£bo na mab£ti kçy sa kap£tol na wala_û
The text was keyboarded using a very simple system of document markup
that tags parts of the document with backslash codes. The \ti tag
indicates the title of the story, the \p tag indicates the beginning
of a paragraph, and the \s tag indicates the beginning of a sentence.
A few small adjustments to the original transcription were made. For
instance, where Bloomfield wrote enclitics separate from the preceding
word, they have been joined with the underline character: isa_ng.
The next step was to process the keyboarded text with KTEXT. A
fragment of the resulting output file is shown in figure 2.
Figure 2 Output of KTEXT
\a < DET S >
\d aû
\w \\ti
\c 1
\a < AJ foolish >
\d ulÿl
\w ulÿl
\a %2%< PRT LKR >%< PRT ENC >%
\d %2%na%nê%
\w na
\a < N1 monkey >
\d uûgÿq
\w uûgÿ
\a < CNJ and >
\d at
\w at
\a < DET S >
\d aû
\w aû
\a AJR < N2 wisdom >
\d ma-d£noû
\w mar£noû
\a %2%< PRT LKR >%< PRT ENC >%
\d %2%na%nê%
\w na
\a < N1 turtle >
\d pagÿû
\w pagÿû
\n .\n\n
This is as far as KTEXT takes us. What you do with KTEXT's output is
limited only by your imagination and ingenuity. One obvious way to
continue is to reassemble the text in interlinear format. That is, we
could write a program that would take the data structures shown in
figure 2 and create a new file where the text is stored in interlinear
format. The resulting interlinear text is shown in figure 3. An
interlinear text editor like IT[3] could then be used to add more lines
of annotations to the text.
Figure 3 A Tagalog example of interlinear text format
Ang ulÿl na unggÿ at ang mar£nong na pagÿng.
ang ulÿl na unggoq at ang ma- d£nong na pagÿng
S foolish LKR monkey and S AJR-wisdom LKR turtle
Interlinear translation is a time-honored format for presenting
analyzed vernacular texts. An interlinear text consists of a baseline
text and one or more lines of annotations that are vertically aligned
with the baseline. In the text shown in figure 3, the first line is
the baseline text. The second line provides the lexical form of each
original word, including morpheme breaks. The third line gives the
gloss of each word or morpheme. Grammatical morphemes are glossed with
abbreviations in all capital letters and lexical morphemes are glossed
with equivalent English words. For instance, the word mar£nong in the
first line is written as two morphemes in the second line: ma-d£nong
(notice the phonological alternation between d and r). The third line
gives its gloss, AJR-wisdom, where AJR stands for an adjectivizer
prefix that changes the noun stem d£nong 'wisdom' into an adjective
meaning 'wise'.
Another way to proceed would be to take the output of KTEXT as shown
in figure 2 and format it directly for printing. In other words, there
would be no disk file of interlinear text corresponding to figure 3;
rather, the interlinear text is created on the fly as it is prepared
for printing. Fortunately, the software required to print interlinear
text is now available. As a complement to the IT program, a system for
formatting interlinear text for typesetting has recently been
developed (see Kew and McConnel, 1991). Called ITF, for Interlinear
Text Formatter,[4] it is a set of TEX[5] macros that can format an
arbitrary number of aligning annotations with up to two freeform
(nonaligning) annotations. While ITF is primarily intended to format
the data files produced by IT (similar to the interlinear text shown
in figure 3), an auxiliary program provided with ITF accepts the
output of the KTEXT program. The final printed result of the
formatting process is shown in figure 4.[6] It should be noted that this
is just one of many formats that ITF can produce. Because ITF is built
on a full-featured typesetting system, virtually all aspects of the
formatting detail can be customized, including half a dozen different
schemes for laying out the freeform annotations relative to the
interlinear text.
3 Running KTEXT
This section describes KTEXT's user interface and the input files it
KTEXT is a batch-processing program. This means that the program takes
as input a text from a disk file and returns as output the processed
text in a new disk file. KTEXT is run from the command line by giving
it the information it needs (file names and other options). It does
not have an interactive interface. The user controls KTEXT's operation
by means of special files that contain all the information KTEXT needs
to process the input text. These files are called control files. Here
is an example of running KTEXT on an English text (an excerpt from
Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland). At the operating
system prompt, type "ktext" plus various command line options:
C:\>ktext -w -x english.ctl -i alice.txt -o alice.ana -l alice.log
The following will appear on the screen:
Version 0.9.4 (11 March 1991), Copyright 1991 SIL
Using the following as word-formation characters:
Rules being loaded from english.rul
Lexicon being loaded from english.lex
Each dot represents one word successfully processed. When the program
is done, it will return you to the operating system prompt.
To see a list of the command line options, type "ktext -h". You will
see a display similar to this:
-c <char> make <char> the comment character (default is ;)
-t set tracing on (default is off)
-w include \w field in output file(default is no \w field)
-x <ctlfile> specify the control file name (default is ktext.ctl)
-i <infile> specify the input data file name
-o <outfile> specify the output file name
-l <logfile> specify the log file name (default is none)
The command line options (-w, -x, and so on) are all lower case
letters. Here is a detailed description of each command line option.
-c The -c option takes an argument that sets the comment character
used in the PC-KIMMO rules and lexicon files. It has no effect on any
other files used by KTEXT except these two. If the -c option is not
used, the default PC-KIMMO comment character is used, namely semicolon
-t The -t option turns the PC-KIMMO tracing mechanism on. This
displays on the screen everything the parser is doing when it
processes a word. Tracing is used for debugging the rules and lexicon,
and is better used with the PC-KIMMO shell program.
-w The -w option causes the \w field to be included in each word
record of the output file. The \w field contains the original word
from the text. If you don't include the -w option, the word records of
the output file will contain only the \a (analysis) and \d (morpheme
decomposition) fields.
-x The -x option takes an optional argument that specifies the name
of the main KTEXT control file. This main control file contains the
name of the TXTIN control file and the names of the rules and lexicon
files. It can also specify consistent changes to be made to the output
fields. The -x option accepts a default file name extension of CTL;
for example if you use "- x english" KTEXT will try to load the file
"english.ctl". If the -x option is not used, KTEXT will try to load a
control file with the default file name KTEXT.CTL.
-i The -i option takes an obligatory argument that specifies the name
of the input file containing the text that KTEXT will process. If the
-i option is not used, KTEXT will prompt you to enter the name of the
input file.
-o The -o option takes an obligatory argument that specifies the name
of the output file that KTEXT creates. If the -o option is not used,
KTEXT will prompt you to enter the name of the output file. If a file
with the same name already exists, KTEXT will will ask for
confirmation that you want to overwrite it.
-l The -l option takes an obligatory argument that specifies the name
of a log file. The log file will contain any analysis failures or
other anomalous behavior during processing of the input text.
In all instances where file names are supplied to KTEXT, an optional
directory path can be included; for example, -i c:\texts\alice.txt.
4 KTEXT's functional structure
KTEXT has two main functional modules: the TXTIN module and the
ANALYSIS module. The diagram in figure 5 shows the flow of data
through these modules. The input text is fed into the TXTIN module
which outputs the text as a stream of normalized words with
capitalization and punctuation stripped out and saved. The TXTIN
module also uses a control file that specifies orthographic changes.
Each word is then passed to the ANALYSIS module where it is parsed and
output as a database record. The ANALYSIS module also uses the
PC-KIMMO rules and lexicon files.
Figure 5 Functional structure of KTEXT
input text
| | |
| +--------------+ |
text input | | | |
control file---->| | TXTIN | |--------+
| | | | |
| +--------------+ | |
| | | punctuation
| words | white space
| | | capitalization
| +--------------+ | format marking
rules and | | | |
lexicon files--->| | ANALYSIS | |
| | | |
| +--------------+ |
| | |
parsed output
KTEXT uses five input files and produces one output file (plus an
optional log file). These five input files are:
the text data file,
the main control file,
the TXTIN control file,
the PC-KIMMO rules file, and
the PC-KIMMO lexicon file.
The PC-KIMMO rules and lexicon files are described in the PC-KIMMO
book (Antworth 1990) and will not be discussed further in this
document. The other input files and the output data file are described
in the following sections.
5 The text data file
The text data file contains the text that KTEXT will process. It must
be a plain text file, not a file formatted by a word processor. If you
use a word processor such as Microsoft Word to create your text, you
must save it as plain text with no formatting. KTEXT preserves all the
"white space" used in the text file. That is, it saves in its output
file the location of all line breaks, blank lines, tabs, spaces, and
other nonalphabetic characters. This enables you to recover from the
output file the precise format and page layout of the original text.
While KTEXT will accept text with no formatting information other than
white space characters, it will also handle text that contains special
format markers. These format markers can indicate parts of the text
such as sentences, paragraphs, sections, section headings, and titles.
The use of special format markers is called descriptive markup. KTEXT
(because it is based on AMPLE) works best with a system of descriptive
markup called "standard format" that is used by the Summer Institute
of Linguistics. SIL standard format marks the beginning of each text
unit with a format marker. There is no explicit indication of the end
of a unit. A format marker is composed of a special character (a
backslash by default) followed by a code of one or more letter. For
example, \ti for title, \ch for chapter, \p for paragraph, \s for
sentence, and so on. KTEXT does not "know" any particular format
markers. You can use whatever markers you like, as long as you declare
them in the TXTIN control file. For more on format markers, see
section 7.2.2 below.
One of the best know systems of descriptive markup is SGML (Standard
Generalized Markup Language). One very significant difference between
SGML and SIL standard format is that SGML uses markers in pairs, one
at the beginning of a text unit and a matching one at the end. This
should not pose a problem for KTEXT, since KTEXT just preserves all
format markers wherever they occur. Another difference is that SGML
flags format markers with angle brackets, for instance <paragraph>.
KTEXT can recognize SGML markers by changing the format marker flag
character from backslash to left angled bracket (see section 7.2.2
below). Recognizing the end of the SGML format marker is a bit of a
problem. While SGML uses a matching right angled bracket to indicate
the end of the marker, SIL standard format simply uses a space to
delineate the format marker from the following text. This means that
for KTEXT to find the end of an SGML tag, you must leave at least one
space after it.
6 The main control file
The main control file controls various aspects of KTEXT's operation.
It is structured as a standard format database, composed of various
fields marked by backslash codes. Figure 6 shows the fields available
in the main control file:
Figure 6 Main control file field codes
Code Description
--------- -----------------------
\textin name of text control file
\rules name of PC-KIMMO rules file
\lexicon name of PC-KIMMO lexicon file
\ach change in \a field
\dch change in \d field
\scl string class definition
The use of the first three fields listed above is straightforward. The
\textin field specifies the name of the text control file described
below in section 7. The \rules and \lexicon fields specify the names
of the PC-KIMMO data files. For example, a main control file for
Tagalog may contain these lines:
\textin tagtxtin.ctl
\rules tag.rul
\lexicon tag.lex
The next two fields, \ach and \dch, require more comment. These fields
allow you to make consistent changes in the contents of the \a and \d
fields before they are written to the output file. It works like this:
the ANALYSIS module processes an input word from the text and returns
its gloss and lexical form in \a and \d fields. KTEXT then applies any
changes that have been specified in \ach and \dch fields and then
writes the results to the output file. For example, the Tagalog main
control file may contain these lines:
\dch "I-" "in-"
\dch "U-" "um-"
The parser returns the lexical forms I- and U-, which is how they are
found in the PC-KIMMO Tagalog lexicon (these are essentially special
symbols represented infixes). The \dch fields change these forms into
in- and um-, which is their typical phonological shape. The changes
can also be restricted to apply only in certain environments. The \ach
and \dch fields work identically to the \ch fields used in the text
control file, described in detail in section 7.1.
The last field in figure 6 above is the \scl field, which is a string
class definition field. It allows you to define a special symbol to
stand for a set of characters; for instance, this string class field
defines the symbol Vowel to stand for the set of vowels:
\scl Vowel a e i o u
The symbol Vowel can then be used in the environments of \ach and \dch
fields. String class definitions are described in detail in section
When KTEXT reads the main control file, it ignores any lines beginning
with field codes other than those listed in figure 6. For example, a
line beginning \co would be ignored. Such lines are treated as
comments. Comments in the control file can also be indicated with the
comment character, which by default is semicolon. This is the only way
to place comments on the same line as a field. The comment character
can be changed with the command line option -c when running KTEXT (see
section 3). The main control file must use the same comment character
as the rules and lexicon files.
The following shows a sample main control file.
\id tag.ctl - KTEXT main control file for Tagalog, 7-Mar-91
; select the various other files
\textin tagtxtin.ctl
\rules tag.rul
\lexicon tag.lex
; fix up some underlying forms
\dch "I-" "in-"
\dch "U-" "um-"
7 The TXTIN control file[7]
7.1 Text orthography changes
7.1.1 Basic changes
7.1.2 Environmentally constrained changes
7.1.3 Where orthography changes apply
7.1.4 A sample orthography change table
7.1.5 Orthography change (\ch)
7.1.6 String class definition (\scl)
7.2 Words or format markers?
7.2.1 Word formation characters (\wfc)
7.2.2 Primary format marker character (\format)
7.2.3 Secondary format marker character (\barchar)
7.2.4 Single character bar codes (\barcodes)
7.3 Selecting fields
7.3.1 Fields to exclude (\excl)
7.3.2 Fields to include (\incl)
7.4 Special output characters
7.4.1 Ambiguity marker (\ambig)
7.4.2 Morpheme decomposition separator (\dsc)
7.5 Controlling capitalization
7.6 A sample text input control file
The TXTIN module applies to a text, splitting off the punctuation,
format marking, white space (space, tab, carriage return), and
capitalization information. It passes just the words of the text on to
the ANALYSIS module, in a normalized, lower case form after making any
user-specified orthographic changes. The TXTIN module requires three
types of control information.
(1) To identify words, TXTIN must know what letters make up words. It
assumes that the alphabetic characters (a to z, upper and lower case)
are used to make words; these are called the standard word formation
characters. In addition to these there may be characters like tilde
(~) and apostrophe (') in words like canon (Spanish), don't (English),
etc. These are called nonstandard word formation characters.
(2) It is desirable to apply KTEXT directly to texts in their
practical orthographies, but to maintain the files the parser needs in
a more linguistically-appropriate orthography. For example, Latin x
can be converted to ks; Quechua long vowels, represented practically
by doubling the vowel, can be converted to a single vowel followed by
a colon (i.e., aa is converted to a:); and Campa nasals occurring
before a noncontinuant can be represented as the morphophoneme N,
unspecified for point of articulation (i.e., mp is converted to Np).
This kind of change is made possible by the text input orthography
changes, the rules defined for changing the orthography.
(3) KTEXT incorporates rather specific ideas about how formatting
information is given in texts. Some details of how formatting marks
are separated from the words in the text are provided by the special
formatting information. The text input control file influences how
KTEXT reads the input text files, and, to some degree, the format of
the output analysis files. Like the other input control files, it is
structured as a standard format database file. Figure 7 shows the
fields available in the text control file:
Figure 7 Text input control file field codes
Code Description
--------- -----------------------
\ambig analysis output ambiguity marker
\barchar secondary format marker
\barcodes single character bar codes
\ch orthography change
\dsc morpheme decomposition separator
\excl fields to exclude
\format primary format marker
\incl fields to include
\luwfc lower-upper word formation characters
\noincap disable word-internal capitalization
\scl string class definition
\wfc word formation characters
When KTEXT reads the text input control file, it ignores any lines
beginning with field codes other than those listed in figure 7. For
example, a line beginning \co would be ignored. Such lines are treated
as comments. Comments in the control file can also be indicated with
the comment character, which by default is semicolon. This is the only
way to place comments on the same line as a field. The comment
character can be changed with the command line option -c when running
KTEXT (see section 3). The main control file must use the same comment
character as the rules and lexicon files.
7.1 Text orthography changes
7.1.1 Basic changes
To substitute one string of characters for another, these must be made
known to the program in a change. (The technical term for this sort of
change is a production, but we will simply call them changes.) In the
simplest case, a change is given in three parts: (1) the field code
\ch must be given at the extreme left margin to indicate that this
line contains a change; (2) the match string is the string for which
KTEXT must search; and (3) the substitution string is the replacement
for the match string, wherever it is found.
The beginning and end of the match and substitution strings must be
marked. The first printing character following \ch (with at least one
space or tab between) is used as the delimiter for that line. The
match string is taken as whatever lies between the first and second
occurrences of the delimiter on the line and the substitution string
is whatever lies between the third and fourth occurrences. For
example, the following lines indicate the change of hi to bye, where
the delimiters are the double quote mark ("), the single quote mark
('), the period (.), and the at sign (@).
\ch "hi" "bye"
\ch 'hi' 'bye'
\ch .hi. .bye.
\ch @hi@ @bye@
Throughout this document, we use the double quote mark as the
delimiter unless there is some reason to do otherwise.
Change tables follow these conventions:
(1) Any characters (other than the delimiter) may be placed between
the match and substitution strings. This allows various notations to
symbolize the change. For example, the following are equivalent:
\ch "thou" "you"
\ch "thou" to "you"
\ch "thou" > "you"
\ch "thou" --> "you"
\ch "thou" becomes "you"
(2) Comments included after the substitution string are initiated by
a semicolon (;), or whatever is indicated as the comment character by
means of the -c option when KTEXT is started. The following lines
illustrate the use of comments:
\ch "qeki" "qiki" ; for cases like wawqeki
\ch "thou" "you" ; for modern English
(3) A change can be ignored temporarily by turning it into a comment
field. This is done either by placing an unrecognized field code in
front of the normal \ch, or by placing a semicolon (;) in front of it
(the default comment character). For example, only the first of the
following three lines would effect a change:
\ch "nb" "mp"
\no \ch "np" "np"
;\ch "mb" "nb"
KTEXT applies a change table as an ordered set of changes. The first
change is applied to the entire word by searching from left to right
for any matching strings and, upon finding any, replacing them with
the substitution string. After the first change has been applied to
the entire word, then the next change is applied, and so on. Thus,
each change applies to the result of all prior changes. When all the
changes have been applied, the resulting word is returned. For
example, suppose we have the following changes:
\ch "aib" > "ayb"
\ch "yb" > "yp"
Consider the effect these have on the word paiba. The first changes i
to y, yielding payba; the second changes b to p, to yield paypa. (This
would be better than the single change of aib to ayp if there were
sources of yb other than the output of the first rule.)
The way in which change tables are applied by KTEXT allows certain
tricks. For example, suppose that for Quechua, we wish to change hw to
f, so that hwista becomes fista and hwis becomes fis. However, we do
not wish to change the sequence shw or chw to sf or cf (respectively).
This could be done by the following sequence of changes. (Note, @ and
$ are not otherwise used in the orthography.)
\ch "shw" > "@" ; (1)
\ch "chw" > "$" ; (2)
\ch "hw" > "f" ; (3)
\ch "@" > "shw" ; (4)
\ch "$" > "chw" ; (5)
Lines (1) and (2) protect the sh and ch by changing them to
distinguished symbols. This clears the way for the change of hw to f
in (3). Then lines (4) and (5) restore @ and $ to sh and ch,
respectively. (An alternative, simpler way to do this is discussed in
the next section.)
7.1.2 Environmentally constrained changes
It is possible to impose string environment constraints (SEC's) on
changes in the orthography change tables. The syntax of SEC's is
described in detail in section 7.2.
For example, suppose we wish to change the mid vowels (e and o) to
high vowels (i and u respectively) immediately before and after q.
This could be done with the following changes:
\ch "o" "u" / _ q / q _
\ch "e" "i" / _ q / q _
This is not entirely a hypothetical example; some Quechua practical
orthographies write the mid vowels e and o. However, in the
environment of /q/ these could be considered phonemically high vowels
/i/ and /u/. Changing the mid vowels to high upon loading texts has
the advantage that--for cases like upun `he drinks' and upoq `the one
who drinks'--the root needs to be represented internally only as upu
`drink'. But note, because of Spanish loans, it is not possible to
change all cases of e to i and o to u. The changes must be
In reality, the regressive vowel-lowering effect of /q/ can pass over
various intervening consonants, including /y/, /w, /l/, /ll/, /r/,
/m/, /n/, and /n/. For example, /ullq/ becomes ollq, /irq/ becomes
erq, etc. Rather than list each of these cases as a separate
constraint, it is convenient to define a class (which we label
+resonant) and use this class to simplify the SEC. Note that the
string class must be defined (with the \scl field code) before it is
used in a constraint.
\scl +resonant y w l ll r m n n~
\ch "o" "u" / q _ / _ ([+resonant]) q
\ch "e" "i" / q _ / _ ([+resonant]) q
This says that the mid vowels become high vowels after /q/ and before
/q/, possibly with an intervening /y/, /w/, /l/, /ll/, /r/, /m/, /n/,
or /n/.
Consider the problem posed for Quechua in the previous section, that
of changing hw to f. An alternative is to condition the change so that
it does not apply adjacent to a member of the string class Affric
which contains s and c. \scl Affric c s
\ch "hw" "f" / [Affric] ~_
It is sometimes convenient to make certain changes only at word
boundaries, that is, to change a sequence of characters only if they
initiate or terminate the word. This conditioning is easily expressed,
as shown in the following examples.
\ch "this" "that" ; anywhere in the word
\ch "this" "that" / # _ ; only if word initial
\ch "this" "that" / _ # ; only if word final
\ch "this" "that" / # _ # ; only if entire word
7.1.3 Using text orthography changes
The purpose of orthography change is to convert text from an external
orthography to an internal representation more suitable for
morphological analysis. In many cases this is unnecessary, the
practical orthography being completely adequate as KTEXT's internal
representation. In other cases, the practical orthography is an
inconvenience that can be circumvented by converting to a more
phonemic representation.
Let us take a simple example from Latin. In the Latin orthography, the
nominative singular masculine of the word king is rex. However,
phonemically, this is really /reks/; /rek/ is the root meaning king
and the /s/ is an inflectional suffix. If KTEXT is to recover such an
analysis, then it is necessary to convert the x of the external,
practical orthography into ks internally. This can be done by
including the following orthography change in the text input control
\ch "x" "ks"
In this, x is the match string and ks is the substitution string, as
discussed in chapter 8. Whenever x is found, ks is substituted for it.
Let us consider next an example from Huallaga Quechua. The practical
orthography currently represents long vowels by doubling the vowel.
For example, what is written as kaa is /ka:/ 'I am', where the length
(represented by a colon) is the morpheme meaning 'first person
subject'. Other examples, such as upoo /upu:/ 'I drink' and upichee
/upi-chi-:/ 'I extinguish', motivate us to convert all long vowels
into a vowel followed by a colon. The following changes do this:
\ch "aa" "a:"
\ch "ee" "i:"
\ch "ii" "i:"
\ch "oo" "u:"
\ch "uu" "u:"
Note that the long high vowels (i and u) have become mid vowels (e and
o respectively); consequently, the vowel in the substitution string is
not necessarily the same as that of the match string. What is the
utility of these changes? In the lexicon, the morphemes can be
represented in their phonemic forms; they do not have to be
represented in all their orthographic variants. For example, the first
person subject morpheme can be represented simply as a colon (-:),
rather than as -a in cases like kaa, as -o in cases like qoo, and as
-e as in cases like upichee. Further, the verb 'drink' can be
represented as upu and the causative suffix (in upichee) can be
represented as -chi; these are the forms these morphemes have in other
(nonlowered) environments. As the next example, let us suppose that we
are analyzing Spanish, and that we wish to work internally with k
rather than c (before a, o, and u) and qu (before i and e). (Of
course, this is probably not the only change we would want to make.)
Consider the following changes:
\ch "ca" "ka"
\ch "co" "ko"
\ch "cu" "ku"
\ch "qu" "k"
The first three handle c and the last handles qu. By virtue of
including the vowel after c, we avoid changing ch to kh. There are
other ways to achieve the same effect. One way exploits the fact that
each change is applied to the output of all previous changes. Thus, we
could first protect ch by changing it to some distinguished character
(say @), then changing c to k, and then restoring @ to ch:
\ch "ch" "@"
\ch "c" "k"
\ch "@" "ch"
\ch "qu" "k"
Another approach conditions the change by the adjacent characters. The
changes could be rewritten as
\ch "c" "k" / _a / _o / _u ; only before a, o, or u
\ch "qu" "k" ; in all cases
The first change says, "change c to k when followed by a, o, or u."
(This would, for example, change como to komo, but would not affect
chal.) The syntax of such conditions is exactly that used in string
environment constraints; see section 7.2.
7.1.1 Where orthography changes apply
Orthography changes are made when the text being analyzed may be
written in a practical orthography. Rather than requiring that it be
converted as a prerequisite to morphological analysis, it is possible
to have KTEXT convert the orthography as it loads and analyzes each
word, before any analysis is performed.
The changes loaded from the text input control file are used in the
module TXTIN, after all the text is converted to lower case (and the
information about upper and lower case, along with information about
format marking, punctuation and white space, has been put to one
side.) Consequently, the match strings of these orthography changes
should be all lower case; any change that has an uppercase character
in the match string will never apply.
7.1.2 A sample orthography change table
We include here the entire orthography input change table for Caquinte
(Campa). There are basically four changes that need to be made: (1)
nasals, which in the practical orthography reflect their assimilation
to the point of articulation of a following noncontinuant, must be
changed into an unspecified nasal, represented by N; (2) c and qu are
changed to k; (3) j is changed to h; and (4) gu is changed to g before
i and e.
Figure 8 Caquinte orthography change table
\ch "mp" "Np" ; for unspecified nasals
\ch "nch" "Nch"
\ch "nc" "Nk"
\ch "nqu" "Nk"
\ch "nt" "Nt"
\ch "ch" "@" ; to protect ch
\ch "c" "k" ; other c's to k
\ch "@" "ch" ; to restore ch
\ch "qu" "k"
\ch "j" "h"
\ch "gue" "ge"
\ch "gui" "gi"
This change table can be simplified by the judicious use of string
environment constraints:
Figure 9 Simplified Caquinte orthography change table
\ch "m" > "N" / _p
\ch "n" > "N" / _c / _t / _qu
\ch "c" > "k" / _~h
\ch "qu" > "k"
\ch "j" > "h"
\ch "gu" > "g" / _e /_i
7.1.3 Orthography change (code \ch)
As suggested by the preceding examples, the text orthography change
table is composed of all the \ch fields found in the text input
control file. These may appear anywhere in the file relative to the
other fields. It is recommended that all the orthography changes be
placed together in one section of the text input control file, rather
than being mixed in with other fields.
7.1.4 String class definition (code \scl)
String classes are defined using the \scl field code. The members of
string classes are literal strings or single characters. Any number of
string classes may be defined, and any class may contain any number of
strings. These strings may be of any length, although they usually
represent phonological segments. String class names can be used in the
string environment constraints of following changes.
String classes must be defined before being used. For example, the
first two lines of the Caquinte example above could be given as
\scl -bilabial c t qu
\ch "m" > "N" / _ p
\ch "n" > "N" / _ [-bilabial]
The string class definition could be in the main control file: string
classes defined there can be used in the text input control file as
7.2 Words or format markers?
KTEXT may sometimes be applied to a pure text file, such as a
wordlist. Usually, however, there may be formatting information (i.e.,
punctuation and some sort of descriptive markup) mixed in with the
words. KTEXT needs to differentiate between the words and everything
else in the input text file. The fields discussed in this section
allow the user to inform KTEXT how to recognize words and how to
recognize formatting information.
7.2.1 Word formation characters (codes \wfc and \luwfc)
To break a text into words, KTEXT needs to know which characters are
used to form words. It always assumes that the letters A to Z and a to
z will be used as word formation characters. (Note that uppercase
letters are converted to lowercase letters when KTEXT reads a text
file.) If the orthography of the language the user is working in uses
any other characters, these must given in a \wfc field in the text
input control file. For example, Quechua uses tilde (~) and an accent
mark ('). This information is provided by the following example:
\wfc ~ ; needed for words like nin~o
\wfc ' ; needed for words like papa'
Notice that the characters may be separated by spaces, although it is
not required to do so. If more than one \wfc field occurs in the text
input control file, KTEXT uses the combination of all characters
defined in all such fields as word formation characters.
The \wfc field is also used to declare accented (or eight bit)
characters, such as those available in the IBM extended character set.
For example,
\wfc ç Ä Æ ù £ ê Å ô ÿ ¥ û ä
KTEXT automatically converts the upper case characters A-Z to their
equivalent lower case characters a-z. You can also declare other pairs
of characters as lower-to-upper case pairs. This is especially useful
when using accented characters (such as those available in the IBM
extended character set). Lower-to-upper case pairs are declared in a
field beginning with the code \luwfc (for "lower-upper word formation
characters"). For each following pair of characters, the first
character is the lower case equivalent of the second (which is assumed
to be upper case). Several such pairs can be placedin the field or
they may be placed in separate fields. Whitespace can be used in the
field freely. Characters that are declared in a \luwfc do not also
have to be included in a \wfc field. For example,
\luwfc Ä â ƒ å û ä
After reading the text input control file, KTEXT reports the full set
of word formation characters being used. This is what KTEXT would
report for the Quechua example above:
Using the following as word-formation characters:
The comment character (normally ;) cannot be designated as a word
formation character. If the orthography includes semicolon (;), then a
different comment character must be defined with the - c command line
option when KTEXT is initiated; see section 3.
7.2.2 Primary format marker character (code \format)
KTEXT has a simple view of format markers: they consist of one or more
contiguous characters beginning with a special flag character. The
default character initiating format markers is the backslash (\).
Thus, each of the following would be recognized as a format marker and
would not be analyzed by KTEXT:
If \ is used in the orthography, or some other character is used to
flag format markers, it is possible to change to another format flag
character with a \format field in the text input control file. This
field designates a single character to replace the default \. For
example, if the format markers in the text files begin with the at
sign (@), the following should be placed in the text input control
\format @ ; format markers start with at sign
This would be used, for example, if the text contained format markers
like the following:
Note that format markers cannot have a space or tab embedded in them;
the first space or tab encountered terminates the format marker as far
as KTEXT is concerned.
If a \format field occurs in the text input control file without a
following character to serve for flagging format markers, then KTEXT
will not recognize any format markers and will try to parse everything
other than punctuation characters.
It makes sense to use the \format field only once in the text input
control file. If multiple \format fields do occur in the file, KTEXT
uses only the value given in the first one. KTEXT uses only the first
printing character following the \format field code. The same
character cannot be used for flagging both format markers in text
input files and comments in control input files. Thus, semicolon (;)
cannot normally be used to flag format markers.
One final note: the format character under discussion here applies
only to the input text files which are to be analyzed. It has
absolutely nothing to do with the use of backslash (\) to flag field
codes in the control files read by KTEXT.
7.2.3 Secondary format marker character (code \barchar)
In addition to the general format markers discussed above, KTEXT
assumes a secondary type of marker which has a very restricted form.
It consists of a flag character followed by a single character from a
list of known values. It is typically used to indicate type style,
such as bold, italics, and so on. This secondary flag character must
be different than the one associated with the \format field. Its
default value is the vertical bar (|), causing this type of format
marker to be frequently called a bar code. The following could be
valid (secondary) format markers and would not be analyzed by KTEXT:
(These codes typically stand for bold, italics, and regular,
Consider the following two lines of input text:
Using the default definitions of KTEXT, the first line is considered
to be a single format marker, and provides nothing which the program
should try to parse. The second line, however contains two format
markers, |b and |r, and the word goodbye which will be analyzed by
If | is used in the orthography, or some other character is used to
flag format markers, the flag character can be changed with a \barchar
field in the text input control file. This field designates a single
character to replace the default |. For example, if this type of
format marker begins with the dollar sign ($), the following should be
placed in the text input control file:
\barchar $ ; "bar codes" start with $
This would cause KTEXT to consider the following to be valid format
An empty \barchar field in the text input control file causes KTEXT to
not recognize any bar code format markers. Thus, the following field
effectively turns off special treatment of this style of format
\barchar ; no bar character
It makes sense to use the \barchar field only once in the text input
control file. If multiple \barchar fields do occur in the file, KTEXT
uses only the value given in the first one. KTEXT uses only the first
printing character following the \barchar field code. The same
character cannot be used for marking both bar codes in the text file
and comments in the input control files. Thus, semicolon (;) cannot
normally be used as the bar code marker.
7.2.4 Single character bar codes (code \barcodes)
In conjunction with the special format marking character discussed in
the previous section, the \barcodes field defines the individual
characters used with in bar codes. These characters may be separated
by spaces or lumped together. Thus, the following two fields are
\barcodes abcdefg ; lumped together
\barcodes a b c d e f g ; separated
If provided more than one \barcodes field in the text input control
file, KTEXT uses the combination of all characters defined in all such
fields. No check is made for repeated characters: the previous example
would be accepted without complaint despite the redundancy of the
second line.
The default value for the bar codes is bdefhijmrsuvyz. Therefore, if
the text input control file contains neither a \barchar nor a
\barcodes field, the following bar codes are considered to be
formatting information by KTEXT: |b, |d, |e, |f, |h, |i, |j, |m, |r,
|s, |u, |v, |y, and |z. These are exactly the codes recognized by the
SIL MS (Manuscripter) program.
7.3 Selecting fields
There are times when it is undesirable for KTEXT to analyze every
field of a text input file. For instance, texts often begin with
identification lines to record authorship and state of revision. There
is no reason why this information should be morphologically parsed. It
may not even be in the same language!
KTEXT considers a field of an input text file to be everything from
one format marker to the next (or to the end of the file). This is
different than the definition of fields in the input control files,
which require field codes to be at the beginning of a line. Even
though it seems a bit strange to mix the concepts of fields and format
marking, this has proven to be useful in practice. (However, the
structure of a formatted text may not look that different from the
types of database files used by KTEXT, especially the text
approximates the style of descriptive markup. In the next two
sections, we will discuss two fields for controlling what parts of a
file KTEXT applies to. It does not make sense to include both of these
in the same text input control file. The one which best fits the task
at hand must be chosen.
7.3.1 Fields to exclude (code \excl)
The \excl field excludes one or more fields from processing by KTEXT.
For example, to have KTEXT ignore everything in \co and \id fields,
the following line is included in the text input control file:
\excl \co \id ; ignore these fields
If more than one \excl field is found in the text input control file,
KTEXT keeps adding the contents of each field to the overall list of
text fields to exclude. This list is initially empty, and stays empty
unless the text input control file contains an \excl field. Thus,
KTEXT normally does not exclude any text fields from processing.
If the text input control file contains \excl fields, then only those
text fields are not processed. Every word in every text field not
mentioned explicitly in an \excl field will be analyzed.
7.3.2 Fields to include (code \incl)
The \incl field explicitly includes one or more text fields for
processing by KTEXT, excluding all other fields. For instance, to have
KTEXT process everything in \txt and \qt fields, but ignore everything
else, the following line is placed in the text input control file:
\incl \txt \qt ; process these fields
If more than one \incl field is found in the text input control file,
KTEXT keeps adding the contents of each field to the overall list of
text fields to process. This list is initially empty, and stays empty
unless the text input control file contains an \incl field.
If the text input control file contains \incl fields, then only those
text fields are processed. Every word in every text field not
mentioned explicitly in an \incl field will not be analyzed. Note that
KTEXT processes every text field in the text input files unless the
text input control file contains either an \excl or an \incl field.
One or the other is used to limit processing, but never both.
7.4 Special output characters
The last two fields provided in the text input control file change
certain special characters in the analysis output file. This may be
required by the orthography of the language to which KTEXT is being
7.4.1 Ambiguity marker (code \ambig)
The morphological analysis performed by KTEXT may result in multiple
parses, an ambiguity which the computer program cannot resolve. It is
also possible for KTEXT to fail altogether in trying to analyze a
word. These two possibilities are normally shown in the analysis
output file as follows:
\a %3%< N0 kay >%< V1 ka > IMP%< V1 ka > INF%
\a %0%qoyka:rala:may%
This works fine unless the percent sign (%) is used in the
The \ambig field controls the character used to mark ambiguities and
failures in the analysis output file. For example, to use the hash
mark (#), the text input control file should include:
\ambig # ; % isn't good enough
This would cause the sample analysis to be output as follows:
\a #3#< N0 kay >#< V1 ka > IMP#< V1 ka > INF#
\a #0#qoyka:rala:may#
It makes sense to use the \ambig field only once in the text input
control file. If multiple \ambig fields do occur in the file, KTEXT
uses only the value given in the first one. If the text input control
file does not have an \ambig field, KTEXT uses the %.
KTEXT uses only the first printing character following the \ambig
field code. The same character cannot be used for marking both
ambiguities in the analysis output file and comments in the input
control files. Thus, semicolon (;) cannot normally be used as the
ambiguity marker.
7.4.2 Morpheme decomposition separator (code \dsc)
When KTEXT asks whether to include the morpheme decomposition field in
the output, if the user responds positively, it produces results like
the following:
\a < V2 *qu > IN PLDIR POL 1O IMP
\d qo-yka-:ra-lla:-ma-y
\a %3%< N0 kay >%< V1 ka > IMP%< V1 ka > INF%
\d %3%kay%ka-y%ka-y%
Note that the allomorph strings in the decomposition (\d) field are
separated by dashes (-). This works fine unless the language uses the
dash in its orthography.
The \dsc field controls the character used to separate the morphemes
in the decomposition field. For example, one might use the equal sign
(=) by including the following in the text input control file:
\dsc = ; - is used by the orthography
This would cause the sample analysis to be output as follows:
\a < V2 *qu > IN PLDIR POL 1O IMP
\d qo=yka=:ra=lla:=ma=y
\a %3%< N0 kay >%< V1 ka > IMP%< V1 ka > INF%
\d %3%kay%ka=y%ka=y%
It makes sense to use the \dsc field only once in the text input
control file. If multiple \dsc fields do occur in the file, KTEXT uses
the value given in the first one. If the text input control file does
not have an \dsc field, KTEXT uses a dash (-). KTEXT uses only the
first printing character following the \dsc field code. The same
character cannot be used both for separating decomposed morphemes in
the analysis output file and for marking comments in the input control
files. Thus, one normally cannot use semicolon (;) as the
decomposition separation character.
7.5 Controlling capitalization
KTEXT records the capitalization pattern of each word in the text
file. Besides the typical case of a word whose initial letter is
capitalized (because it is a proper noun or because it is the first
word in a sentence), there are two special cases: words with mixed
capitals and words in all capitals. First, for words with mixed
capitals (such as MacDonald), the capitalization of each letter is
recorded through the first thirteen letters of the word (this
limitation is due to the length of the bit field used to record
capitalization information). Second, words in all capitals are
specially marked as such and capitalization is recorded no matter how
long the word is.
Word-internal capitalization can be disabled by using the \noincap
option in the input text control file. This feature will likely only
be of use if you intend to translate KTEXT's output into another
language and you know that the internal recapitalization is likely to
be wrong.
7.6 A sample text input control file
The following is the complete text input control file for Huallaga
\id HGTEXT.CTL - for Huallaga Quechua, 25-May-88
\wfc ' ~
\excl \id ; identification fields
\ch "aa" > "a:" ; for long vowels
\ch "ee" > "i:"
\ch "ii" > "i:"
\ch "oo" > "u:"
\ch "uu" > "u:"
\ch "qeki" > "qiki" ; for cases like wawqeki
\ch "~n" > "n~" ; for typos
; for Spanish loans like hwista
\scl sib s c ; sibilants
\ch "hw" > "f" / ~[sib]_
8 The output data file
KTEXT formats its output as a database, each record of which
corresponds to a word of the source text. The first field of each
entry contains the analysis, the second field the morpheme
decomposition, and the third field (which is optional, see section 3
on using the -w option) the original word. Other fields, which may or
may not occur in any given entry, contain information about the
capitalization of the word, format marking, punctuation, and white
space. The fields and their field codes are as shown in figure 10:
Figure 10 Field codes produced in the analysis
Code Description
------- ----------------
\a analysis
\d morpheme decomposition
\w original word
\f preceding format marks
\c capitalization
\n trailing nonalphabetics
For example, suppose that itçtanim (from a Tagalog input text)
analyzes unambiguously, and that the original word and the morpheme
decomposition are both requested. The resulting analysis file contains
the following lines:
\a IP DUR < V plant >
\d i-RE-tanôm
\w itçtanim
For some words, KTEXT discovers more than one possible analysis. We
call these ambiguities (or multiple parses). In this case, KTEXT puts
all the alternatives into the resulting analysis file separated by a
percent sign (%), and with a number to indicate how many there are.
For example, Quechua kay is a three-fold ambiguity:
\a %3%< N0 kay >%< V1 ka > IMP%< V1 ka > INF%
\d %3%kay%ka-y%ka-y%
\w kay
KTEXT may fail to analyze a word from the input text. Analysis
failures appear in the resulting analysis file surrounded by percent
signs and preceded by the number zero (0), as the following
\a %0%qoyka:rala:may%
\d %0%qoyka:rala:may%
\w qoykaaralaamay
If you use a log file (see section 3), it will record all instances of
analysis failures. To edit failures and ambiguities in the output
file, you can use a special editor called CED, which is described in
section 9.
As has been noted elsewhere, KTEXT has much in common with the program
AMPLE, whose text-processing routines KTEXT has borrowed. In order to
be able to use other software that expects AMPLE-style output, it is
desireable to understand how to reproduce it with KTEXT. There are
some features of KTEXT's output file that you cannot change, notably
the field code names and their order in a record. Indeed, to remain
compatible with AMPLE they should not be changed. But the actual
contents of the fields themselves depend entirely on the format of the
PC- KIMMO lexicon file and consistent changes speciified in the
control files. For example, here is a record from the output file
produced by the English example (supplied with KTEXT):
\a V(be`gin)+PROG
\d be`gin+ing
\w beginning
And here is a record from the output file produced by the Tagalog
example (supplied with KTEXT):
\a IP DUR < V plant >
\d i-RE-tanôm
\w itçtanim
The Tagalog example conforms to AMPLE while the English example does
not. The salient features of AMPLE output are as follows.
(1) AMPLE requires every word to minimally contain a root. Even
particles that cannot take affixes are treated like roots.
(2) In the \a field of a word record, the root of a word is delimited
by angled brackets (<>). In the Tagalog example above, the root of the
word is < V plant >. Notice that the left bracket is followed by a
space and the right bracket is preceded by a space.
(3) Inside the angled brackets that delimit a root, there are exactly
two pieces of data: a word class (part of speech) abbreviation and a
gloss (or some other representation of the root, such as an underlying
form or protoform).
(4) Morpheme boundary symbols (such as hyphen) are not used in the \a
field. Prefix and suffix glosses are separated from each other and the
root gloss by spaces.
(5) In the \d field, only one morpheme boundary symbol is recognized;
by default it is hyphen (-), but this can be changed with the \dsc
field in the input text control file (see section 7.4.2).
There are two places where you can tweak KTEXT in order to make it
conform to these specifications: the lexicon file and the main control
file. The easiest way to get angled brackets around roots is simply to
include them in the glosses of all roots in the lexicon. (To be
absolutely safe, the brackets should be padded by one space.) For
example, here is the lexical entry for the Tagalog verb root tanim:
tanôm V_Root "< V plant >"
Inside the angled brackets of the root gloss are the word class
abbreviation V and the gloss 'plant'.
In a typical PC-KIMMO lexicon file, the glosses of affixes normally
contain a morpheme boundary symbol; for example:
pag- V_Prefix "VR1-"
where the - in the gloss VR1- indicates that it is a prefix. Such
glosses will incorrectly leave morpheme boundary symbols in the \a
field of the output word record. There are two ways to remove morpheme
boundary symbols from the \a field. First, replace them with spaces in
the lexicon file; for example:
pag- V_Prefix "VR1 "
Second, leave them in the lexicon file but use a \ach field in the
main control file to change them to spaces; for example:
\ach "-" " "
Your lexicon file may use more than one morpheme boundary symbol. For
example, the Tagalog example uses hyphen for prefixes and plus sign
for suffixes (the phonological rules require this distinction). But
the \d field will only recognize one boundary symbol. This can be
fixed by including a \dch field in the main control file that changes
plus sign to hyphen:
\dch "+" "-"
See the Tagalog lexicon file and mail control file for more examples
of changes such as these.
9 CED: an editor for failures and ambiguities[8]
9.1 Overview of CED
9.2 Starting the CED editor
9.2.1 Giving CED an input file with the -i option
9.2.2 Giving CED an output file with the -o option
9.2.3 Changing CED's ambiguity marker with the -a option
9.3 Editing for text glossing
9.4 The editing process
9.5 Command summary
9.5.1 Major commands
9.5.2 Word-edit commands
9.1 Overview of CED
Sometimes KTEXT fails to analyze a word into morphemes. Such words are
referred to as failures, and are flagged as such in the output. For
example, tatanpa is flagged as a failure in the following:
\a %0%tatanpa%
In other cases, KTEXT produces multiple analyses for a given word.
Such cases are referred to as ambiguities, and are flagged as such in
the output. For example, the Quechua word aywamunchu produces the
following output, indicating two possibilities:
\a %2%< V1 *aywa > AFAR 3 NEG%< V1 *aywa > AFAR 3 YN?%
Each failure or ambiguity begins with a percent sign (%) followed by
an integer. This integer represents the number of analyses: 0 (zero)
for a failure, 2 if there are two alternatives of an ambiguous word, 3
if there are three alternatives, etc. Each alternative is terminated
by a percent sign.
If a complete and unambiguous morphological analysis of a text is
needed, as would be the case for text glossing, then the analysis
produced by KTEXT should be edited to deal with the failures and the
ambiguities. CED is an editing program designed specifically for
dealing with only the flagged failures and ambiguities. (CED stands
for CADA Editor, CADA being an acronym for Computer Assisted Dialect
Adaptation.) CED has various virtues:
(1) It protects the user from unwanted changes. It allows
modification only of failures and ambiguities. Thus, CED is good for
users who are not familiar with a more general editing program, with
formatting conventions, etc. If needed, subsequent changes can be made
with a general-purpose editor.
(2) It is easy to learn. Anyone should be able to use CED with 20
minutes of orientation.
(3) It is safe for situations where electricity is unstable. It works
as a single pass (from the beginning to the end of the file), writing
the output as editing is done. To learn CED, skim the remainder of
this chapter and then try the program. Don't be dismayed if you have
trouble visualizing everything described here; you can always come
back and read this after giving CED a try.
9.2 Starting the CED editor
CED is run by typing its name in response to the system prompt. After
it loads, it prompts for an input file. Suppose that you respond with
the filename xxxxxx.ana (followed, of course, by pressing the ENTER
key), and that CED finds the file. (If it does not find it, CED
requests the filename again.) After finding the input file, CED asks
for the name of an output file, proposing that it be named xxxxxx.CED
(where xxxxxx is from the input filename). If you wish some other name
(e.g., to write the output somewhere other than on the default
device), you may type the filename after that prompt. If you are
satisfied with CED's suggestion, simply respond by pressing the ENTER
key. (Note that the ENTER key may be labeled RETURN on some
Rather than wait for CED's prompting, you can designate either the
input file or the output file (or both) in the command used to start
CED. You can also designate a different ambiguity marker character to
match the one given by an \ambig field in the text input control file.
A command using all of these options would look like the following
(user input is underlined):
C> ced -i infile.ana -o outfil.ced -a @
Each of these command line options is discussed below.
9.2.1 Giving CED an input file with the -i option
The name of the input file can be given as part of the command,
following the -i option. If CED is given an input file in this way, it
does not request an input filename. For example, the following two
interactions are equivalent in starting CED (user input is
C> ced
CED (CADA Editor) version 2.0 (October 1988)
File to be edited: mytext.ana
C> ced -i mytext.ana
CED (CADA Editor) version 2.0 (October 1988)
9.2.2 Giving CED an output file with the -o option
The name of the output file can be given as part of the command,
following the -o option. If CED is given an input file in this way, it
does not request an output filename. For example, the following two
interactions are equivalent in starting CED (user input is
C> ced
CED (CADA Editor) version 2.0 (October 1988)
File to be edited: mytext.ana
Name of output file: [mytext.ced] mytext.out
C> ced -o mytext.out
CED (CADA Editor) version 2.0 (October 1988)
File to be edited: mytext.ana
If an output file is not given with the -o option, CED proposes a name
based on the input filename, but asks for confirmation. If you want to
use the output filename shown enclosed in brackets, simply respond to
the prompt by pressing the ENTER key.
9.2.3 Changing CED's ambiguity marker with the -a option
KTEXT ordinarily flags failures and ambiguities in its output with a
percent sign (%):
\a %0%tatanpa%
\a %2%< V1 *aywa > AFAR 3 NEG%< V1 *aywa > AFAR 3 YN?%
However, this character can be changed, for example to the at sign
(@), by putting the following line in the text input control file:
\ambig @
In this case, output would look like the following:
\a @0@tatanpa@
\a @2@< V1 *aywa > AFAR 3 NEG@< V1 *aywa > AFAR 3 YN?@
If CED were to be run on such an analysis without informing it that
the flagging character is different, it would fail to recognize the
failures and ambiguities.
To cause CED to recognize a different flagging character, we must
include the -a option, followed by the new flagging character, when
the program is started. For example, to edit a text in which failures
and ambiguities are flagged with @, CED would be initiated as follows
(user input is underlined):
C> ced -a @
The -a option is compatible with the other command line options (-i
and -o), and may either precede or follow them.
In the examples given below, we will use % as the flagging character,
since it is the default.
9.3 Editing for text glossing
An analysis file used for text glossing should include morpheme
decomposition fields. Thus, every word has a pair of lines, one the
analysis, the other the decomposition. If the analysis failed, the \a
field contains the original word, and you must replace it with the
correct analysis. Further, the \d field also contains the original
word, and you must introduce hyphens (or some other separation
character) between the morphemes.
An analysis ambiguity looks like the following, where each analysis is
paired with the corresponding decomposition:
\a %2%< N0 thief > GOAL%< V2 steal > 1O 3%
\d %2%suwa-man%suwa-ma-n%
(Note that suwa-man corresponds to < N0 thief > GOAL, and suwa-ma-n to
< V2 steal > 1O 3.) For each analysis, there is a decomposition, so
when you choose a particular analysis, CED automatically chooses the
corresponding decomposition. This greatly simplifies the task of
editing ambiguities.
9.4 The editing process
CED splits the screen into two windows. Text is displayed in the upper
window, with a failure or ambiguity highlighted. Among the
alternatives of an ambiguity, the current alternative is given special
highlighting to distinguish it from the others. The flagging (%) does
not appear in the display of the site being edited. The lower window
contains the item to be edited, either a failure or the analysis
selected from the alternatives of an ambiguity. Prompts and helps are
also displayed in the bottom window.
To edit an ambiguity, you select, delete, or modify the current
alternative (the one that is highlighted). To select the current
alternative, press the ENTER key (which may be labeled RETURN instead
of ENTER), whereupon the other alternatives are discarded and the
selected analysis appears in the lower part of the screen. The cursor
appears after the last character. You may now modify the word, using
the word-edit commands.
When you are finished editing the word, press the ENTER key. CED then
asks "Is this what you want?" You may approve it by pressing the ENTER
key again. If, on the other hand, you wish to go back and make more
changes, type n and then press the ENTER key. At this point all of the
commands are available. For instance, if you would like to restore
this edit site to its original form (with all the original
alternatives) you may undo all modifications by typing u.
Whenever only one alternative remains (whether this has been brought
about by a selection or a series of deletions) the remaining
alternative is displayed on the lower portion of the screen for
editing and verification. Because failures have only one alternative,
whenever CED encounters one, it is automatically displayed in the
lower portion of the screen, whereupon you may modify it. There are
two cases in which you could be finished at an edit site:
(1) You may wish to leave things as they are, to be corrected later;
you indicate this by typing c (continue).
If the cursor is in the lower window, you must first press the ENTER
key. When CED asks "Is this what you want?", type n and then press
the ENTER key. Then you may give the c (continue) command to CED leave
this edit as it is.
(2) You may be satisfied with the word as edited (of course you don't
have to change anything) so you press the ENTER key twice, once to
stop editing and once to verify that you are satisfied. In both cases
the text is then updated to reflect any changes you have made. CED
then moves on to the next site. CED removes the markers at an edit
site whenever you (by various manipulations) arrive at the word you
want and subsequently verify it. If you defer a decision concerning
how a site should be modified, the markers are not removed so that you
can edit these sites again with CED.
If you are unable to finish editing a text, you can direct CED to pass
the remainder of the input unchanged to the output file by typing q
(quit). (If the cursor is in the lower window, you must first press
the ENTER key and then respond with n to the query "Is this what you
want?" to get the full list of command options.) This does not undo
any edits you have made previously. Subsequently, you may continue
from where you left off by again editing the modified text with CED.
In this case, the name of your input file probably ends with CED, and
CED will suggest exactly the same name for the output. If you accept
this (making the name of the output and input files identical) CED
will complain and ask for another output file. So do one of two
things: (1) rename the input file to something like xxxxxx.tem before
you starting CED, or (2) when CED asks for the name of the output file
(suggesting xxxxxx.ced) type a different name.
9.5 Command summary
CED has two levels of command, major commands and word-edit commands.
The major commands involve actions at the level of an entire edit site
or of the file, whereas word-edit commands involve modifications to
particular word, carried out in the lower window. We now describe the
commands available at these two levels.
9.5.1 Major commands
The major commands are single letters. CED does not wait for ENTER key
to be pressed before processing a command; indeed, the ENTER key is a
specific command. The commands are as follows:
(1) c (continue) leaves this set of alternatives as they are and goes
on to the next edit site.
(2) d deletes the current alternative.
(3) e edits (i.e., allows modification to) the current alternative;
the word-edit commands listed below (in section 9.5.2) become
(4) q quits, that is, terminates this edit session. All modifications
previously made are retained in the output file. All subsequent
editing sites are passed to the output unmodified (to be dealt with in
a later editing session).
(5) u undoes any modifications made at this site, that is, it
restores the edit site to the form it had in the input file.
(6) ? or h displays a help message describing each of these commands
in the bottom window. If the window is too small to display the entire
message, CED pauses after filling the window and waits for the ENTER
key to be pressed before displaying more of the help message.
(7) ENTER selects the current alternative, deleting all others and
putting the current alternative into the edit window. (This is the
single key labeled ENTER or RETURN, not the string E n t e r!) After
any modifications and your approval, this alternative is put into the
output text and the other alternatives are discarded.
(8) Space moves to the next alternative, making it the current
alternative. (This is the space bar, not the string S p a c e!) When
at the last alternative, a space makes the first alternative into the
current one. Any character which is not recognized as a command serves
the same function.
9.5.2 Word-edit commands
The word-edit commands are described in the following list. (CTRL/X
refers to the character generated by holding the CTRL key down while
simultaneously typing x.)
(1) <- (the left arrow key) and CTRL/B move the cursor one character
to the left. If the cursor is on the first character, it moves to the
end of the word.
(2) -> (the right arrow key) and CTRL/F move the cursor one character
to the right. If the cursor is at the end of the word, it moves to the
first character of the word.
(3) DELETE, BACKSPACE, and CTRL/H delete the character to the left of
the cursor.
(4) CTRL/U and CTRL/W delete the entire word being edited, allowing a
completely new word to be entered.
(5) CTRL/R restores the original word, undoing any editing changes
which you have made.
(6) ? displays a message in the bottom window describing each of
these word-edit commands. If the window is too small to display the
entire message, CED pauses after filling the window and waits for the
ENTER key to be pressed before displaying more of the message.
(7) ENTER puts the word as it now appears into the output text
(provided you subsequently verify that this is what you want).
(8) Any other character is inserted to the left of the cursor.
1 The particular choice of field markers and the order of fields in a
record is due to the fact that KTEXT uses the same text-handling
routines as an existing program called AMPLE (Weber et al., 1988).
This has the advantage that KTEXT's output is compatible with that
program, but the disadvantage that the record structure is perhaps not
consistent with terminology already established for PC-KIMMO. It
should also be noted that the quasi-database design of KTEXT 's output
is used by many other programs developed by the Summer Institute of
2 Tagalog, also known now as Pilipino or Filipino, is a major
language of the Philippines.
3 IT (pronounced "eye-tee") is an interlinear text editor that
maintains the vertical alignment of the interlinear lines of text and
uses a lexicon to semi-automatically gloss the text. See Simons and
Versaw (1991) and Simons and Thomson (1988).
4 ITF was developed by the Academic Computing Department of the
Summer Institute of Linguistics. It runs under MS-DOS, UNIX, and the
Apple Macintosh.
5 TEX is a typesetting language developed by Donald Knuth (see
Knuth, 1986).
6 The plain text version of this documentation does not include
figure 4, since it is an image of typeset output.
7 This section is adapted from chapters 7, 8, and 9 of Weber et al.
8 The CED program is not available for Macintosh.
Antworth, Evan L. 1990. PC-KIMMO: a two-level processor for
morphological analysis. Occasional Publications in Academic
Computing No. 16. Dallas, TX: Summer Institute of Linguistics.
Bloomfield, Leonard. 1917. Tagalog texts with grammatical
analysis. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois.
Kew, Jonathan and Stephen R. McConnel. 1991. Formatting
interlinear text. Occasional Publications in Academic Computing
No. 17. Dallas, TX: Summer Institute of Linguistics.
Knuth, Donald E. 1986. The TEXbook. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley
Publishing Company.
Simons, Gary F., and John Thomson. 1988. How to use IT:
interlinear text processing on the Macintosh. Edmonds, WA:
Linguist's Software.
Simons, Gary F., and Larry Versaw. 1991. How to use IT: a guide to
interlinear text processing, 3rd ed. Dallas, TX: Summer
Institute of Linguistics.
Weber, David J., H. Andrew Black, and Stephen R. McConnel. 1988.
AMPLE: a tool for exploring morphology. Occasional Publications
in Academic Computing No. 12. Dallas, TX: Summer Institute of